Tag Archives: Mathematics

Who Needs to Walk when You can Levitate?




Who Needs to Walk When You Can Levitate

The above link is so as to view the Microsoft Word (2007) version of this post.


Who Needs to Walk when You can Levitate?

I was drawing Joe Swanson, a Family-Guy character, voiced by Patrick Warburton, the lead role in the horrifically awful situation “comedy,” Rules of Engagement.


Figure 1: Peter Griffin’s Handicapable neighbour, Joe Swanson. I draughted this using a fine-liner liquid-ink pen and water-colours

I was etching away, when I noticed something peculiar:



Figure 2: No axle to connect Joe Swanson’s wheels to his chair.

The Oxford Dictionary of English defines an axle thus:

axle /’aks(ǝ)l/

  • noun. a rod or spindle (either fixed or rotating) passing through the centre of a wheel or group of wheels.

The term ‘axle’ is related to the term ‘axis:’

Cylinder 4-35degrees

Figure 3: The axis of a wheelchair would consist of a freely rotating cylinder. The cylinder’s axis runs through its centre. An axis is an imaginary line about which a plane, or a solid – in this case, the above-pictured cylinder – can rotate. The term ‘cylinder’ actually comes from the Ancient-Greek noun, ‘kúlindros,’ which means ‘roller.’ The cylinder rolls about its axis at its centre.

The above definition of ‘axle’ makes mention of a wheel’s centre.  It would be useful for us to review the anatomy of man’s oldest invention:


Figure 4: A Wheel. The wheel consists of a tire on its outside; a rim on its inside; a hub at its centre; spokes emanating from the hub, or centre towards the rim; and nipples, which connect the spokes to the rim.


Figure 5: Here we may observe our cylindrical axle connected to the centres, or hubs, of both wheels. A spoke confers tensile strength to a wheel. Tensile strength is a topic for another article!

A wheel-chair’s axle connects the wheels of the mobility apparatus to the mobility apparatus itself, in such wise that the axle can still rotate.  Were the axle fixed, and not able to rotate about its centre, then the wheels would not be able to go round and round.

Swanson’s wheelchair is not attached to an axle at all, which must mean that he maintains his seated position, above the ground, by way of defying gravity!

It is not to be supposed that I have simply erred in my portrayal of Joe Swanson:




Figure 6: The image upon which I based my drawing, Figures 1 and 2 above. Pretending to be disabled is a pretty low act at the best of times, but when possessing the ability of levitation, it is inexcusable. Imagine if Clark Kent went about in a wheel chair. Come to think of it, that might be a much better disguise than his merely wearing glasses.


axle /’aks(ǝ)l/

  • noun. a rod or spindle (either fixed or rotating) passing through the centre of a wheel or group of wheels.

axis /’aksɪs/

  • noun. (plural. axes /’aksiːz/ )
    1. an imaginary line about which a body rotates.
  • [GEOMETRY] an imaginary straight line passing through the centre of a symmetrical solid, about which a plane figure can be conceived as rotating to generate the solid.
  • an imaginary line which divides something into equal or roughly equal halves, especially in the direction of its greatest length.
    1. [MATHEMATICS] a fixed reference line for the measurement of coordinates.
    2. A straight central part in a structure to which other parts are connected.



The above definitions are from:

Oxford University Press.  Oxford Dictionary of English (Electronic Edition).  Oxford.  2010

Post Scrīptum:

As regards the glossary’s definition of what an axis is:

  • [GEOMETRY] an imaginary straight line passing through the centre of a symmetrical solid, about which a plane figure can be conceived as rotating to generate the solid.

A rectangle comprises 4 vertices, or corners, and 4 line segments that connect these corners together.

If we take a particular line segment and the two vertices that connect to it, and designate it as our axis, then by rotating the plane rectangle 360º we can generate a cylinder:



Figure 7: If we designate Line Segment |CD| as our axis, then by rotating the above plane rectangle 360º, then we can generate a cylinder.

Count me Out.

I am on chapter 21 of Dracula, written by Bram Stoker.

I found out, not so long ago, that Bram Stoker was actually a Mathematician. He graduated from Trinity College, Dublin, with a B.A. in Mathematics.

There is plenty of mathematical and philosophical discourse peppering this epistolary novel.

If it be allowable to argue a particulari…”

Van Helsing. Chapter 19. Dracula.

To argue a particulari ad universale(1.) is to infer a general – or universal – rule from a particular occurrence. This is also the philosophical definition of “deduction(2.)”

In this instance, Van Helsing has witnessed a particular Vampire’s possession of hundreds of rats. Lord Arthur Godalming’s dogs make light work of them. Van Helsing thus deduces a general or universal law from this particular instance, to wit that ALL rats possessed by ALL vampires do not share in the possessing Vampire’s preternatural abilities of strength, invisibility, agility, and so forth.

Perhaps Count Von Count, Sesame Street’s resident sums expert, is closer to the source material of Mathematician, Bram Stoker’s, classic “weird tale” than what one might have otherwise imagined.

(1.) Ā particulārī ad ūniversāle. Latin Phrase. From a particular towards the universal.

(2.) ‘dē,’ Latin preposition, ‘down from.’ ‘dūcō, dūcere, dūxī, ductum,’ Latin verb, ‘to lead,’ To deduce is to lead a general or universal law down from the observation of particular occurrences.

 Count Von Count coloured in 2

Introduction to Boolean Logic

Introduction to Boolean Logic as it is Manifested in Digital Circuits

Above is the Microsoft Word version of this post.

Introduction to Boolean Logic as it is Manifested in Digital Circuits.

Below is the simplest circuit possible:


Boolean 1



This is a piece of conductive[1] wire looped in upon itself. Because the loop is complete, i.e. a circle, we call it a circuit. Were we to introduce a gap into this looped conductive wire, then this would be termed breaking the circuit.

Breaking the circuit will make little difference, though, as this circuit will always be “off” as it has no voltage source.

This circuit is dead, and will be dead forevermore as current will never be inducted into it.

This circuit – although you may not think it – actually represents a universe of logic:

universal set1


As you can make out: this Universal Set does not contain any elements. It is a null set; an empty set; a zero; a 0.

Our circuit above, x, is equal to the Universal Set.

x = U

x = 0


U = 0


What more can we say about circuit x?

x = U

U = |{}|

U =




are symbols which denote the Empty Set; a set that contains no elements.

End of Note.

By now, I hope that you are beginning to realise something:

Digital Electronic Circuits; Boolean Algebra; and the Language of Sets; are like unto the three faces of the same coin[2].

Translating Digital Electronic Circuits into:

  1. Conventional Algebra;
  2. Boolean Algebra;
  3. Schematic Diagrams;
  4. The Language of Sets,

is a marvellous mental workout, and sure to keep the Alzheimer’s away.

Like the parsing of Latin, at first it requires tremendous effort, but, after a while, it becomes effortless.



[1]A Conductor allows electric current, measured in Amperes, to flow through it. Copper (Cu) or Gold (Au) etc.

[2] Every penny don’t fit the slot! This three-sided coin must have been the result of lax quality control at the mint!

A Crafty Mathematical Mnemonic

Arkham - Copy

A Crafty Mathematical Mnemonic2

Above is a Microsoft Word (2007) Version of this post.

A Crafty Mathematical Mnemonic[1].

I was reading Teach Yourself: Complete Mathematics[2] and I was mentally examining myself with the questions and exercises contained within it. I was trying to figure out the total surface area of a cylinder. To find the total surface area of a cylinder, one must find the surface area of its circle component; multiply that by two (because the total surface area of a cylinder comprises the area of 2 circles as well as the area of its side), and then find the length of the perimeter of the circle and multiply that by the height of the cylinder[3]:

Total Surface Area of Cylinder = 2(Area of Circle) + (Perimeter of Circle x Height of Cylinder)

From Ancient Greek: 'kulindros' 'a roller.'


An ancient mental block of mine resurfaced:

What is the length of a circle’s perimeter, again? Is it



π r 2


Eventually, I reasoned that the length of a circle’s perimeter was:



Thus, I reasoned that the total surface area of a cylinder was equal to:

.Total Surface Area of Cylinder = 2(π r 2) + (2πrh)

In doing so, I wasted much valuable mental effort. I began to ask myself:

Is there an easier way to remember which formula pertains to a circle’s area, and which formula pertains to the length of a circle’s perimeter?

And then it hit me:

Another way of writing






The symbol ‘τ’ is the Greek character ‘tau,’ /taʊ/ which is sometimes employed in Mathematics to represent:


To pronounce:


Is to utter {`tau `r} / taʊ ɑː(ɹ)/[4] which sounds extremely close to ‘tower.’

In prisons, where are the [watch-]towers located?

On the perimeter.




[1] Noun. A device such as a pattern of Letters, ideas, or ASSOCIATIONS which assists in remembering something. The Etymology of ‘mnemonic’ stems from the Ancient-Greek adjective ‘mnēmōn,’ which means ‘mindful.’ Oxford Dictionary of English [Electronic Edition] (2010), Location 450239.

Here we associate the formula for finding a circle’s perimeter with the idea of a prison’s perimeter, and the watchtowers situated thereupon so as to remember the equation for finding the length of a circle’s perimeter.

[2]Written by Trevor Johnson and Hugh Neill; Hodder Education, London, (2010).

[3] This is how to find the area of the aforementioned side of a cylinder.

[4] Pronounced thus in the Received Pronunciation. This is considered the standard pronunciation in the South East of England.




I have not posted in a while, but I have not forgotten about my readers.  I am working on two articles: one concerning human anatomy and how best to draw the human hand (I have spent hours and hours at this) and another concerning the definition of a Sine Wave.

I am working on the Sine-Wave article as we speak. I have had to animate three drawings. I am using Microsoft Paint, and animating anything on this takes forever. 

I have also half-prepared an article on snooker.

Resistant Hens

I sometimes take my hens for a walk about the garden. I do be in a state of constant amazement as to how curious they be. They will peck at anything that they consider new or unfamiliar. A couple of days ago I had them out and they were pecking behind our wheely bin. I observed that they were pecking at some sort of electrical component: above pictured. Lest that they should choke on this metal-and-ceramic worm-shaped object, I wrested it off them. I put it aside so as to show my father who is an electrician. He informed me that it was an old resistor. A resistor applies resistance, R – measured in Ohms, Ω , to the Current, I (for ‘intensity’) measured in Amperes, or Amps.

Resistors are Colour-Coded so as to inform us as to the value of resistance that they provide. This resistor is coded: Blue, Grey; Brown; Gold.

Blue has a value of 6.
Grey Has a Value of 8
Brown has a value of 101; or, in other words, sixty eight followed by one zero .

We interpret the Colour Code Above just as we would a normal decimal number, from Right to Left:

Blue,Grey*Brown= 680

Gold does not relate to how many Ohms of Resistance is provided by the resistor, but to the tolerance1 of the resistor. The tolerance value for Gold is 5%. This means that, in all likelihood, the Ohmage of resistance afforded by this resistor will not be exactly 680Ω at all times, but will vary within a range: from 646Ω to 714Ω.

We can express the Ohmage of resistance afforded by this Gold-banded resistor as the following inequality:

646Ω ≤ Gold ≤714Ω

If we were setting this resistor in a a circuit, we would have to make sure that the other components in said circuit could withstand or tolerate such a variance in resistance.

(1.)an allowable amount of variation of a specified quantity…[in this case resistance]. Oxford Dictionary of English (Electronic Kindle edition, Second Edition Revised, Oxford University Press 2005) Location 727380.

‘Tolerance’ comes from the Latin verb ‘tolerō, tolerāre, tolerāvī,tolerātum,’ meaning ‘to bear,’ ‘to endure.’

How a Compact Disc Encodes Data: a Basic Introduction.

This is a new article. The above link will allow you to view the original Microsoft Word document.

The Compact Disc was pioneered and brought to market by Philips and Sony.  At the time, those who distributed and retailed consumer electronics thought Philips to be on a hiding to nothing.  An optical audio device!  That would be an oxymoron, were it not three words instead of two.  The critics snorted thus and waved their flabby jowels about in disapproval.  Using a Laser to read microscopic data was the stuff of science fiction.  It would probably end up prohibitively expensive.  Besides, everyone was more than content with Vinyl[1] and Magnetic tape.

Philips and Sony were taking a massive risk in developing this technology.  The pages of history are littered with marvellous contraptions that did not catch on for one reason or another, among them Beta-max, Minidisc, Concord.

The reason why Concord was a financial failure, from the beginning, is not because it did not work, but because it was too expensive to run and maintain, and the paradigm shifted decidedly towards mass-transportation aviation vehicles such as the Boeing 747.

The reason why the Minidisc did not catch on as the replacement to the WalkmanTM[2] as the World’s foremost portable audio format is because the paradigm shifted towards Apple’s MP3 format.

The reason why MiniDV[3] never really caught on to replace VHS[4] as the foremost Camcorder format, is because the paradigm would shift towards Camcorders comprising Hard-disc drives, and Solid-State doped-silicon semiconductors.

In summation: just because the Compact Disc would work was no guarantee of its financial success.

Succeed it did, and it is still going strong more than 25 years later.  True, the format has seen better days, but it is a device that has seen off replacements such as Super Audio Compact Disc and Digital Versatile Disc Audio.  It is even successfully resisting a major paradigm shift towards MP3 and Streaming Audio Websites such as Spotify.  Devices that can see off replacements and paradigm shifts are few and far between; can you think of another one?  I know that I cannot, but this can be said of the Compact Disc.

How it Works:

This will not be an exhaustive explanation.  I am not capable of such.  I still consider myself a novice in the field of Mathematics and Electronics.  I merely wish to treat of certain aspects of the encoding of data onto optical devices.

If one were to examine a Compact Disc under a microscope he would observe tiny depressions in the surface.  These miniscule holes in the surface are known as pits.  In a similar way, those parts of the surface of the disc that are not depressed are known as lands.  I once heard on a television program, as a child, that the area of the pits relative to the surface-area of the disk is congruent with the area of a golf ball relative to the area of Greater London, England.

Why the above factoid stuck in my mind is unclear.  I do not remember a lot of the content of television programs from the 90s.  I do remember that Frank Butcher[5] ran over Tiffany Mitchell[6] in 1998, but that was matchless tragicomic gold.

Another factoid that stuck in my head from that television program concerning Compact Discs was that the pits of a “new generation of Compact Discs” would have pits whose area, in respect to the surface-area of the disc, would be congruent with the area of a grain of sand relative to the area of Greater London.  Perhaps the above is true of D.V.D.s and Blu-rays which were not commercially available at the time that this program came out.

Observing these pits on the surface of the Compact Disc, one would be tempted to view them as a species of Morse code.  Some pits are longer than others and it would be more than reasonable to fancy the longer pits dashes and the shorter pits dots.  The above is reasonable but not the case.  As my brother, Breandán once remarked:

“Not everything that is plausible is true!”

The ability to tap out a coded message upon the plumbing of a Soviet-Union Sanatorium in futile hope of escape will be of no use to us here, I am afraid.

A pit does not represent a 1, necessarily.  Neither does a land represent a 0, necessarily.  It is the transition between dots and dashes that represents an alteration between a succession of 1s and a succession of 0s.

For conceptual reasons, I shall use square brackets to represent a land, and hyphens to represent pits.  Please use the width of the numerals as a method of visualising the length of the pits and lands.

For instance


Is a much shorter land than




Is a much shorter pit than


The below is accurate in portraying a sixteen-bit binary number:


But so is:


To repeat myself: the transitions between pits and lands indicate that a succession of one particular number[7]  has come to an end, and that a succession of a different number has begun.

The sample rate of a compact disc is 44.1 kilohertz, or 44,100 hertz.  This means that the Laser is able to read and decode a 16-bit number from the disc once every 1/44,100 of a second.

In the first 1/44,100 the recording device samples the anologue electrical signal produced by the microphone, and accords a sixteen bit value to the amplitude of the signal.  In the above graph, it accords the amplitude a value of 25,930TEN which in binary is 0110010101001010TWO

The Laser encodes25,930TEN or0110010101001010TWO as:


Onto the surface of the Compact Disc with a Laser.

In 2/44,100 the recording device samples the analogue electrical signal produced by the microphone, and accords a sixteen-bit value to the amplitude of the signal.  In the above graph, it accords the amplitude a value of 17,268Ten which in binary is 0100001101110100TWO.

This is encoded onto the surface of the Compact Disc with a Laser as this array of pits and lands:


With these two sixteen-bit numbers thus encoded, the surface of the Compact disc now looks like this:


You will notice that the rightmost binary digit of the first sixteen-bit number and the leftmost binary digit of the second sixteen-bit number are contained within the same land.  The computer is able to work out[8] when one sixteen-bit number has come to an end, and when another has begun.

When your Compact-Disc player reads the above information[9], it is able to manufacture an (analogue) electrical signal corresponding to the Sixteen-bit numbers with which it has been supplied.  This electrical signal is an approximation of the original analogue electrical signal recorded by the microphone.  This analogue electrical signal is then fed to an electromagnet positioned close to the metal diaphragm of a speaker cone.  Sound is thus produced which is an approximation of the original sound recorded by a microphone.

16-bit numbers are changed into an analogue electrical signal by a digital-to-analogue converter.  The analogue signal thus produced is sent to an amplifier and from thence to the speaker.


The first phonograph was engineered by having a person sing into a cone.  This cone channelled the vibrational waves produced by sound down into a diamond ‘needle’ held against a cylinder of wax.  The cylinder rotated at a fixed number of rotations per second, and a helical groove was inscribed into the wax cylinder.

When the needle was reset, and the wax cylinder began to rotate, the cone would vibrate corresponding to the topography of the helical groove.  A sound, approximating that of the original singer was produced.  The cone that had functioned as a microphone was now a speaker!

What I have detailed above concerning the encoding of data onto a Compact Disc may seem far removed from the very first wax phonograph, however, if one were to ponder on it, although the process of recording sound has differed with the passage of a century, the principles of recording sound remain exactly the same.


[1] Polyvinyl Chloride.  (C2H3Cl)n

[2] Even though it is common to use the term ‘Walkman’ to refer to every portable cassette player in existence, the term is copyrighted by Sony, and may only be used to refer to Sony portable Cassette players, (and other audio devices bearing this trademark.

[3] Mini Digital Video.  That I even need to explain what a MiniDV cassette is in a footnote proves my point!

[4] Video Home System

[5] The Late Mike Reid.

[6] Martine McCutcheon

[7] We deal here with only two numbers, i.e. 0 and 1.

[8] A sixteen-bit binary number is comprised of sixteen binary digits, hence its name.  A ‘binary digit,’ or ‘bit’ is what we term an individual 1 or 0 in binary code.  The Computer merely needs to count to sixteen so as to determine where one sixteen-bit binary digit begins and another ends.

[9] Your Compact Disk Player is able to detect transitions between pits and lands by way of a photo-diode.  The diode allows the passage of current in one direction – hence the ‘diode’ part of its name – if it detects the light from the laser-beam reading the compact disk – hence the ‘photo’ part of its name.  This passage and stalling of current becomes a sequence of 1s and 0s corresponding to the information contained on the compact disc.

Degrees of Infinitesimality

Degrees of Infinitesimality

The above link allows you to view the below article in Microsoft Word format.


Degrees of Infinitesimality?

Dear Martin,

I am sure that you are aware of the heated debate within the Mathematical Community as regards the question:

Does zero point nine recurring equal one?


There seem to be proofs and counter proofs, one of which – in favour of the proposition – is:




According to an axiom of Euclid,




Applying Euclid’s axiom to the matter in hand:

As regards:

I tend to be on the side of the debate that considers:

0.9999999999… not to equal 1.

Here is my counter proof:

In Dozenal[1]:

The equivalent of

in Dozenal would be:

the closest number to

in Dozenal without actually having


One could actually argue that:

is actually closer to




Represents the series:

Each term in the series being closer to one, than each term in the series denoted by:


Because there are an infinite number of base systems possible, one could even argue that there are an infinite number of numbers between






According to an axiom of Euclid,




Applying Euclid’s axiom to the matter in hand:





According to an axiom of Euclid,




Applying Euclid’s axiom to the matter in hand:


In the above proof, I argue that:

Is a deficiency of the Decimal system that does not occur in the Dozenal system, and that it is therefore unfair to use this deficiency to argue that

And then a thought occurred to me:




Let us now express infinitesimality in both BASE-10 and BASE-12:


However, were one to compare these two expressions of infinitesimality,


Because the above two expressions of infinitesimality are still bound by the ratio:

So, even though:


Express something infinitely small, nonetheless the second expression of infinitesimality is only five-sixths the magnitude of the first.

If we express infinitesimality in Hexadecimal, then we get an even smaller amount:

As the Hexadecimal expression of infinitesimality is only 5/8 the magnitude of the Decimal expression of infinitesimality, whereas the Dozenal expression of infinitesimality is 5/6 the magnitude of the Decimal expression of infinitesimality.

What the Decimal, Dozenal and Hexadecimal expressions of infinitesimality are to each other in magnitude can be expressed in the below ratio:


Let us put what I am trying to say in more conceptual language.  Let us say that one took a unit of something, and then divided that thing into ten equal pieces; he then takes one of these pieces, and, divides that into ten equal pieces…and continues to do so until he reaches the end of the infinite sequence, then that particle he would have at the end would be a tenth of a very small amount.

Let us say that this man took an identical unit of the same thing, and then divided that thing into twelve equal pieces; he then takes one of these pieces, and, divides that into twelve equal pieces…and continues to do so until he reaches the end of the infinite sequence, then that thing he would have at the end would be a twelfth of a very small amount. This final twelfth would be a smaller particle than the final tenth described above.

Let us say that this man took another identical unit of the same thing, and then divided that thing into sixteen equal pieces, he then takes one of these pieces, and, divides that into sixteen equal pieces…and continues to do so until he reaches the end of the infinite sequence, then that thing he would have at the end would be a sixteenth of a very small amount. This final sixteenth would be a smaller particle than the final tenth and twelfth described above.

I remember our mobile telephone conversation on how there are many degrees of infinity.

For example, there are an infinite number of natural numbers, and an infinite number of primes, but there are said to be more natural numbers than there are prime numbers as the set of prime numbers is a subset of the set of natural numbers.

If we call the infinite number of primes:

And the infinite number of natural numbers:


I am wondering, then, am I on to something when I say that not only are there degrees of infinity, but there are degrees of infinitesimality, also?

[1] In Dozenal, we count thus: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,10,11,etc.